Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Here we go!!

I started Weight Watchers today. And dragged my sorry A to the gym with the kiddos. It was kicking and screaming the whole way, but my Darling friend Karen saved the day again. She got me in the cycle room and put on the "lets get pumped" music. And then she took me to experience the steam room, that was WAY to hot. But it also was relaxing, when I was exhaling anyways. Lol... And then some how I got home alive and after putting away 50 tons of groceries, I flew my fat A on the couch with a walmart christmas catilog while the girls showed me everything they HAD to have Or they would die. I can already see the new toys at the bottom of their closet covered in dirty clothes, or out in the backyard for 3 weeks. Is is me or do kids have an attention span of like 1 min. with new toys.
Sorry for being so sarcastic today, But waking up to a ton of snow on my car, eating like nothing today, and working out for the first time in 6476868574 years has got me looking at ordering pizza tonight for dinner.


Summer said...

wait STOP no pizza girl! we did good today! ok if you have pizza get the lite veggie one from the take and bake place! its like 5 points a slice....delicious!

Cia's Blog said...

OMG I wish I could join Weight Watchers with you and the gym!! I am so jealous! Don't give up Kristen!! I'm rootin' for ya girl, all the way baby! Keep me informed!
Love ya,