Friday, May 2, 2008

This Weekend

Laundry, Laundry, Laundry... I don't know if we just have to many clothes, or if my family is actually growing at a rate of speed that has never been seen before. Some one should design a robot for women like me. If men are smart enoph to actually predict the weather, than we should be able to have a machine that can do our laundry. I mean, sort - stain removal- the whole works. Any body with me on this?


Summer said...

I am with you girlfriend..laundry is my major catastrophe right now. i feel like it is never done. i need one of those front loaders that does crap loads of laundry all at once! By the way you look way hot in that picture with the beautiful blond hair!

Bethany said...

Hi Kristen! Bethany (Byington) here. :) Michelle gave me the address to your blog. You guys all look great!
And I totally hear ya on the laundry thing. uggh